Event Calendar

Calendar of Events

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Past Event

Tony DeSare – Rhapsody & Blue Eyes

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Past Event

Kluxen & Pouliot – Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto

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Past Event

Dvořák’s New World Symphony

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Past Event

Platypus Theatre’s Charlotte and the Music-Maker

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Tony DeSare – Rhapsody & Blue Eyes

From the timeless songs of Ol’ Blue Eyes, to George Gershwin’s iconic Rhapsody in Blue, triple-threat singer/songwriter/ pianist, Tony DeSare, tackles two musical mavericks in one outstanding concert. Whether in jazz clubs, Carnegie Hall, or headlining with major orchestras, Tony delivers a fresh take on old school class. He returns to Victoria to chart some of Frank...
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Kluxen & Pouliot – Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto

“Oh, how difficult it is to make anyone see and feel in music what we see and feel ourselves.” Early, temperamental reactions to his Violin Concerto must have stung Tchaikovsky, but it’s now a firm favourite of countless violinists, including Canada’s Blake Pouliot. A set of comic portraits of personality types, or temperaments, triggered Nielsen to recreate them...
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Dvořák’s New World Symphony

In advance of Valentine’s Day, we share three heart-felt musical depictions of love: the tragedy of Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers from the pen of Tchaikovsky; Saint-Saëns’ romantic, poetic musings in an inspired dialogue between two soloists; and the nostalgic longing for home experienced by Dvořák. Korean-Canadian conductor Earl Lee serves as Assistant Conductor of the Boston...
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Platypus Theatre’s Charlotte and the Music-Maker

Lost in a blizzard, Charlotte finds herself whisked on a journey through the Magical Monarchy of Musical Magnificence, exploring the sounds and colours of the orchestra and leading her to an unexpected discovery, not only about music, but about herself. The concert features enchanting illustrations by Graham Ross and a stunning original score by Alain...

Can’t Attend a Concert? Watch Online!

For those of you unable to return to the concert hall, we will continue with our Virtual Season airing programs online and free of charge.

Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 8
Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 7
Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 6
Pre-Concert Talk: Chooi Plays Korngold
Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 4
Pre-Concert Talk: Goodyear Plays Shostakovich
Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 3
Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 2
Pre-Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphony No. 1
Pe-Concert Talk: Richard-Hamelin Plays Beethoven
Pre-Concert Talk: Celebrating John Williams!
Pre-Concert Talk: Mahler and Schumann, Being Robert Schumann, Part 3
Pre Concert Talk: Beethoven Symphonies
Pre Concert Talk: Vaughan Williams, Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis
VS Vignettes: Mike Byrne
Pre Concert Talk: Bach to Messiah
Pre-Concert Talk: Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony – Being Robert Schumann (Part II)
Pre-Concert Talk: Brahms Serenade No. 2 – Being Robert Schumann
Pre-Concert Talk: Gershwin and Beyond
vsNEW: Lost Lake – Stavros Chrysoulis
vsNEW: Medieval Sea – Danae Kong
vsNEW: Graveyard at Midnight – Atticus Dachsel Kerr
vsNEW: The Adventure – Angela Nguyen
VS Vignettes: David Michaux
VS Vignettes: Emily Salmon
VS Vignettes: Annabelle Stanley
VS Vignettes: Christopher Reiche Boucher
VS Vignettes: Darren Buhr
VS Vignettes: Tori Gould
VS Vignettes: Paul Beauchesne
VS Vignettes: Stacey Boal
VS Vignettes: Müge Büyükçelen
Pre-Concert Talk: Haydn Symphonies; Morning, Noon, and Night
Pre-Concert Talk: Vivaldi and Piazzolla
VS Vignettes: Christine Prince
vsNEW: Mirage on the Silk Road – Houtian Zhong
vsNEW: Explainer
Pre Concert Talk: NOW! Contemporary Canadian Voices
Pre Concert Talk: Mahler Symphony No. 9
Pre-Concert Talk: Schubert Symphony No. 9 – Kluxen’s Return
Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
Angela Hewitt Plays Bach
Beethoven’s Triple Concerto

The Victoria Symphony performs on the traditional lands of the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We extend our respect as well as our appreciation for this opportunity.