Take Note

“The Take Note Program is a fabulous addition to the Education Concerts.  It helps build a bridge with the children and the musicians and provided a comfortable environment for children to engage more with the music, with an instrument, and a musician. Thank you for sharing the joy of music with our school community!” – Lisa Alexander, Teacher, School District 63

Pre-Education Concert visits for elementary school classes

The Take Note program involves a VS musician visiting elementary school classes before students attend a VS Education & Outreach Concert. Creating a relationship with the students, the musician will introduce them to some of what they will hear at the concert—cool and interesting things to listen for—and what it’s like to play with the Victoria Symphony. These visits give students the benefit of being up close and personal with a symphony musician, giving them a more relevant and engaging concert experience.

Questions? Ready to book?

Please contact Soile Stratkauskas at soile@victoriasymphony.ca.

This program is underwritten in part by generous gifts from a private foundation, the John H. & Margery M. McEown Trust for the Performing Arts, and the Sunflower Fund, and supported in perpetuity by a gift from Beverly Unger.

The Victoria Symphony performs on the traditional lands of the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We extend our respect as well as our appreciation for this opportunity.