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Messiah by Candlelight

December 15 @ 2:30 pm

“Hallelujah!” In 1741, Handel composed his great oratorio Messiah in just three weeks, and its message continues to reign forever and ever, enthralling audiences annually. Victoria’s magnificent Christ Church Cathedral will be the candlelit setting as the Victoria Symphony, local choirs, and four leading soloists share a story rich in complex emotions and human drama. Lift your spirits once again!

Choose five (5) or more concerts and a 25% discount will apply to the entire order.

Concert underwritten by Penelope & Jim Kingham
Giuseppe Pietraroia underwritten by Terry Scandrett & Angela Bassage
Jennifer Taverner underwritten by Natexa Verbrugge
James Reese underwritten by Matthew White & Catherine Webster
Philippe Sly underwritten by Dr. Wendy A. Clay

Concert Sponsor

Artist bios to come.

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Messiah, HWV 56
Part I
Comfort ye (Tenor)
Ev’ry valley (Tenor)
And the glory of the Lord (Chorus)
Thus saith the Lord (Bass)
But who may abide (Alto)
And He shall purify (Chorus)
Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto)
O thou that tellest (Alto/Chorus)
For behold, darkness (Bass)
The people that walked in darkness (Bass)
For unto us a child is born (Chorus)
Pifa (orchestra)
There were shepherds (Soprano)
And lo, the angel of the Lord (Soprano)
And the angel said unto them (Soprano)
And suddenly there was with the angel (Soprano)
Glory to God (Chorus)
Rejoice greatly (Soprano)
Then shall the eyes of the blind (Alto)
He shall feed his flock (Alto/Soprano)
His yoke is easy (Chorus)


Part II
Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus)
He was despised (Alto)
Surely He hath borne our griefs (Chorus)
And with His stripes (Chorus)
All we like sheep (Chorus)
All they that see him (Tenor)
He trusted in God (Chorus)
Thy rebuke hath broken His heart (Tenor)
Behold and see (Tenor)
Lift up your heads (Chorus)
How beautiful are the feet (Soprano)
Why do the nations (Bass)
Let us break their bonds (Chorus)
He that dwelleth in heaven (Tenor)
Thou shalt break them (Tenor)
Hallelujah (Chorus)

Part III
I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
Since by man came death (Chorus)
Behold, I tell you a mystery (Bass)
The trumpet shall sound (Bass) (with DC)
Worthy is the Lamb (Chorus)
Amen (Chorus)

Media links to come.



December 15
starts at 2:30 pm


Victoria Symphony


Christ Church Cathedral
930 Burdett Ave + Google Map

Concert Programme

  • Handel