Victoria Symphony Closes Record-Breaking 2023/24 Season

Victoria B.C. – The Victoria Symphony’s (VS) 2023/24 Season has ended on a high note as one of the most successful seasons in a decade. With 34 concerts spanning nine months, VS is celebrating a post-pandemic return to full houses and record-breaking ticket sales. 36,000 patrons attended in-person VS concerts this season, a 16% increase over 2022/23. With the support of Chek TV, free broadcasts of three VS concerts also reached 228,000 homes.

Boasting six sold out concerts, season highlights included a collaboration with the Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra; two VS commissioned world premieres by Canadian composers; Jurassic Park in Concert; new programming on the West Shore and in Qualicum Beach; the release of the soundtrack “You Are My Bones” for the CBC mini-series and feature film Bones of Crows on the legacy of residential schools; and more.

VS also advanced its mission to inspire and educate young people through musical experiences, a key part of its organizational mandate. This season, 6,000 K-6 students attended the Education & Outreach Concerts in Victoria and Duncan; 17 VS musicians led outreach programs in 41 schools across three school districts, including public and private schools, engaging 5,600 students; 100 students participated in open rehearsals; and three guest artist masterclasses were provided to UVic’s School of Music students. A program for local young composers ages 11 – 18, vsNEW, supported the creation of six new works. This is the only program of its kind in Canada. Several of the young composers involved have gone on to win local, provincial, and national awards.

With the support of a private foundation, a new Share the Music program gave over 365 complementary tickets to various local charities and under-served communities during the season. Through the vsSOUNDCHECK program, 1,140 patrons between the ages of 15 and 35 attended a concert at a reduced ticket price of $15.

“It has been heartening to see the community’s response to our 2023/24 Season,” notes CEO Matthew White. “A growing audience, generous donors, government funders, and corporate sponsors all continue to recognize the value that this orchestra brings to Victoria’s cultural life. Under the musical leadership of Christian Kluxen, the level of the orchestra continues to improve every year and the variety of programming we offer is getting more diverse as well. This orchestra is now considered to be one of the best in the country and our programming on par with what is on offer in much larger cities. Despite all of the recent success, however, we are dealing with a key issue shared by other orchestras across the country, production expenses are rising faster than revenues. We will continue to advocate for the important role that the symphony plays in civic life and feel optimistic that the necessary community support will continue to be there.”

Victoria Symphony gratefully acknowledges the funders, corporate sponsors, and donors who have supported the 2023/24 Season. Thank you to Season Underwriters Terry Scandrett and Angela Bassage for their generous gifts. Platinum Sponsors: Butler Bros, Chateau Victoria, and The Royal & McPherson Theatres Society; Gold Sponsors: Odlum Brown and the GAIN Group; Funders: British Columbia Arts Council, Province of British Columbia, Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, CRD, City of Victoria, Victoria Foundation, and Foundation for the Victoria Symphony; and all individuals whose gifts are vital to support another season of brilliant music.



With a mission “to inspire, educate, and captivate our community through the transformative power of music”, the Victoria Symphony (VS) is one of British Columbia’s largest performing arts organizations. At the core of VS operations is our commitment to our orchestra: 44 outstanding professional musicians who share their expertise not only on stage with our audiences, but in the community as teachers at the University of Victoria, the Victoria Conservatory of Music, and in private studios. Over 95% of our expenses go to paying local employees, artists, and businesses. The success of VS is tightly connected to our ongoing and valued collaborations with other major artistic partners in the local arts community. Our mutually beneficial relationships with groups like Pacific Opera Victoria, Ballet Victoria, Dance Victoria, Vox Humana Chamber Choir, The Victoria Children’s Choir, the Victoria Philharmonic Choir, the Victoria Choral Society, and the Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra put us at the very centre of Victoria’s cultural community.

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Media Contact:

Maya Lohcham, Director of Marketing and Communications


Phone: 250.412.2658



The Victoria Symphony performs on the traditional lands of the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We extend our respect as well as our appreciation for this opportunity.