“That our programming is expanding and the orchestra is reaching new artistic heights is not by chance.
YOU are part of it!” – Christian Kluxen

Let Your Support Sound!

Can you imagine a conductor without their baton? A violin without its strings? Impossible! And that’s why we can’t imagine the Victoria Symphony without supporters like you!

YOU make it all possible:

  • Your generosity supports the talented musicians and guests artists on stage
  • Your vision keeps the future of VS secure
  • Your passion makes our city a better place to live
  • Your kindness ensures access to music education and outreach to young and old
  • And, as an important part of the VS community, you’ll enjoy behind the scenes invitations and information about the music and musicians you love

Make a gift today and make a difference!

For more information, contact Rebecca Marchand Development Officer at rebecca@victoriasymphony.ca or 250.412.1977.

Support Your Symphony!

Make a direct impact with a monthly or one-time gift and become a member of the Musician’s Circle.

What our donors are saying…

The Victoria Symphony performs on the traditional lands of the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We extend our respect as well as our appreciation for this opportunity.