vsYOUTH Volunteer Program

Are you a young person passionate about music?
Do you enjoy working with kids?
Are you interested in developing leadership skills and making a positive contribution in the community?
Are you between ages 12 and 25?

If yes, join our vsYOUTH volunteer program!

vsYOUTH is a group of volunteers ages 12-25 who help with activities for children at Kids Concerts’ and community events. This involves guiding children trying instruments at the Instrument Petting Zoo, and other fun musical activities.

vsYOUTH volunteers gain invaluable experience in leadership and working with children, and make a positive impact in the community sparking children’s interest in music and instruments.

Activities happen prior to each Kids Concert at the Farquhar Lobby, and at community events and festivals around Greater Victoria.

vsYOUTH volunteers receive two complimentary tickets to a VS concert of their choice per event they volunteer at.

If interested in becoming a vsYOUTH volunteer, contact Soile at soile@victoriasymphony.ca

The Victoria Symphony performs on the traditional lands of the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We extend our respect as well as our appreciation for this opportunity.